Dr. Sarah Nuñez supports individuals and organizations on their wellness journeys through educational consulting, traditional healing practices, and herbal goods. Her passion is helping people of color and culture thrive within our institutions of learning, business, and service.
Consulting & Educational Services
Dr. Nuñez is available to deliver consulting, coaching, workshops, and lectures to educational institutions, government offices, national organizations, conferences, learning cohorts, and corporations.
- Support and sustain your employees, students, and/or leaders.
- Improve staff or student retention, engagement, and productivity.
- Prevent or heal burnout related to social justice and/or equity work.
- Gain new skills to carry through life in times of crisis, grief, and stress
- Relearn and remember traditional healing practices of family and ancestors.
- Co-create sacred spaces that center natural approaches to collective healing.
- Promote a balanced life, self-preservation, and self-care.
Herbal Goods & Support
In support of her educational work, Dr. Nuñez also grows her own herbs and flowers to use in her practice. She also offers locally manufactured tea bags and herb wellness bags to her clients. Sarah often uses these herbal and sewn goods in her workshops, helping participants reconnect with ancient and traditional practices that can support them in their wellness and healing journeys.
About Dr. Sarah Nuñez
Dr. Sarah Nuñez is a Latinx/e, Queer, and feminist educator, coach, facilitator, and cultural organizer with a passion for helping those seeking liberatory change. Her body of research explores how traditional healing matters in the support of Latinx students in the Nuevo Sur. Through her lived experiences, Sarah has found how this body of work also supports and applies to all communities and individuals working inside of systems who desire new ways of being.
Organic Growers School Spring Conference | March 14-16
Herbal Community Care (1/2 Day Workshop)
Join Aflorar Herb Collective members as they share their journey, offering tools for building herb metal aid networks, tips for growing and distributing herbs, and sustaining this work. Through movement, stories, and discussions on cultural organizing and healing justice, explore how these principles support communities and inspire collective care.
Herbal Community Care (1/2 Day Workshop)
Join Aflorar Herb Collective members as they share their journey, offering tools for building herb metal aid networks, tips for growing and distributing herbs, and sustaining this work. Through movement, stories, and discussions on cultural organizing and healing justice, explore how these principles support communities and inspire collective care.